Why Japan Is One of the Safest Countries in the World

Alley, Street, Houses image. Free for use.
Country of Japan (Pixabay.com/Kanenori)

Japan is not only famous for its culture but also famous for its security, making it one of the safest countries in the world. This makes people feel safe when traveling or living in Japan. The following is a discussion of why Japan is one of the safest countries in the world.

How Safe is Japan?

Japan is known for its safety, making it one of the safest countries in the world, but how safe is Japan? According to crime statistics by UNODC, the murder rate in Japan is 0.31. In addition, the robbery rate in Japan is 2.41. The crime rate is mainly expressed as the number of annual crimes per 100,000 people.

Assuming a person lives in a Japanese city with a population of 100,000, there are almost no murders in the neighborhood and less than three robberies occur in a year. This shows that Japan is a country with very few murders and robberies.

Japan has a very low crime rate compared to many other countries. Violent crimes, such as assault and robbery, are relatively rare in Japan. As such, children can feel comfortable walking alone on the streets, sleep safely on trains, women can hail taxis on the street in the middle of the night, and can live their lives as if they were completely free from crime.

Reasons Japan is a Safe Country

Illustration of a man in Japan
Illustration of a man in Japan 

One of the reasons why Japan is considered a safe country is that Japan is a country that is ethnically and economically homogeneous. This makes fights rooted in racial issues rare in Japan. In addition, the low income gap makes Japan free from social jealousy and crimes such as theft and robbery.

Another reason why Japan is a safe country is the mentality of prioritizing the interests of the group over the individual. Neighbors look out for each other, and there is a strong sense of trust in society. While there are downsides to this trend, it seems to maintain harmony and thus increase the sense of security. 

Social sensitivity is also a reason why Japan is a safe country. Social sensitivity such as having to help people in need, thinking that most people are good, and believing that police and emergency personnel will always come if there is a report can create a safe environment. 

The presence of police helps prevent criminal activity and ensures a quick response in case of emergency. Stations and trains are equipped with security cameras and staff are always ready to assist passengers. The emergency response system is well coordinated, and evacuation procedures are carried out regularly.

Obedience to the rules is also a reason why Japan is one of the safest countries. The ban on carrying weapons in Japan means that Japanese people do not have to worry about whether other people have weapons, creating a sense of security. However, this seems to cause Japanese people to sometimes experience childish outbursts of emotion, shouting at their opponents in public places at work because they feel that their opponents do not have weapons.

Japan, the land of the rising sun, is famous for its stunning natural beauty, rich culture, and advanced technology. However, behind all that, there is another fact that is no less interesting: Japan consistently ranks as one of the safest countries in the world. Not just a myth, safety in Japan is the result of various interrelated factors, from the culture of the people to an effective legal system. Let's explore more deeply why Japan is so safe.

Strong Culture and Social Values

One of the main pillars of safety in Japan is its unique culture and social values. “Wa” (harmony) is a central concept in Japanese society, emphasizing the importance of cooperation, order, and respect for one another. These values are instilled from an early age through education in schools and families. Children are taught to obey rules, respect others, and take responsibility for their actions. As a result, the level of compliance with laws and social norms is very high. Anti-social behavior, such as vandalism or violence, is considered shameful and will carry significant social consequences. This creates a social environment that tends to discourage criminal behavior.

Furthermore, shame or loss of face (“hajj”) is a strong deterrent to criminal behavior. Losing face in the eyes of society is considered worse than imprisonment, so many people tend to avoid actions that could damage their reputation. This is in contrast to cultures in some other countries where individuals may be more concerned with personal gain than social reputation.

The education system in Japan also plays an important role in shaping the character of law-abiding and responsible citizens. Education emphasizes discipline, hard work, and respect for authority. Schools are not only places for academic learning, but also places to instill moral and social values.

Effective and Transparent Law Enforcement

Japan has a strict and efficient law enforcement system. The Japanese police, known for their discipline and professionalism, enjoy a high level of public trust. They are very active in crime prevention and rapid response to criminal incidents. The visible presence of police in public places, both periodically and randomly, provides a sense of security for citizens.

In addition, the Japanese justice system is known for its transparency and fairness. A fair and consistent legal process is applied to all citizens, regardless of social status or wealth. The punishments imposed on criminals are quite strict, providing a deterrent effect and reducing crime rates.

Corruption levels in Japan are very low. This ensures that law enforcement is not influenced by personal interests or political pressure. Public trust in law enforcement agencies is key to success in creating a safe and orderly environment.

Technology and Innovation

Japan is a developed country with advanced technology applied in various aspects of life, including security. Extensive CCTV surveillance systems are spread across major cities, helping police prevent and solve crimes. Facial recognition technology is also used to improve security in public places.

In addition, Japan also adopts the latest technology in cybersecurity, protecting critical infrastructure from digital attacks. Public awareness of the importance of cybersecurity is also high, reducing the risk of online crime.

Community Participation

Security in Japan is not only the responsibility of the government and police, but also the shared responsibility of all citizens. The community actively participates in maintaining the security of their neighborhoods. Community security programs, such as night patrols and early warning systems, are very effective in preventing crime.

A strong sense of social responsibility makes Japanese citizens more likely to report suspicious activities to authorities. Cooperation between the community and authorities is key to success in creating a safe environment.

Low Level of Social Inequality

Although not perfect, Japan has a relatively low level of social inequality compared to other developed countries. Equal access to education, health, and employment reduces the potential for crime caused by poverty and social injustice.

A good social welfare system ensures that citizens in need receive adequate assistance, reducing the frustration and desperation that can lead to criminal activity.

Availability of Mental Health Services

Despite the stigma, Japan is gradually increasing accessibility to mental health services. Mental health disorders are often a contributing factor to criminal behavior. By increasing access to mental health care, Japan is working to reduce the potential for crimes caused by mental health issues.


Security in Japan is not the result of a single factor, but rather a combination of interrelated factors. A culture that emphasizes harmony and social responsibility, effective and transparent law enforcement, advanced technology, active community participation, and low levels of social inequality all contribute to a safe and orderly environment. While no country is completely free from crime, Japan has proven that with strong commitment from the government, law enforcement, and society, security can be achieved and maintained. This is a valuable lesson for other countries seeking to create a safer environment for their citizens.

Thus the discussion about why Japan is one of the safest countries in the world. Japan is a country with a very small number of murder and robbery cases. Several reasons such as ethnic and economic homogeneity, social sensitivity, and obedience to the rules make Japan one of the safest countries. Do you think your country can be a safe country like Japan?

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