Tegar Rifqiaulian

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  • 2024.12.18

Find Out the Concept of Uchi and Soto in Japanese Life

Workers working (Image by Freepik) The concept of uchi soto (内と外) in Japanese culture is one of the important pillars that shape the understanding of social relations and interactions between people in the Land of Sakura. Literally, uchi means “inside” or “internal,” referring to the inner circle, a close and trusted group, while soto means “outside” or “external,” representing the outside world, strangers, or those outside the circle of trust. This concept is not just a geographical division, but a complex system that regulates behavior, expectations, and social norms in various situations. The difference between uchi and soto has a significant impact on various aspects of life in Japan, from how we communicate, interact, to decision-making. The closer someone is to us, the more we will relax the rules of formality and show more casual behavior. Conversely, when interacting with someone outside of uchi, we tend to be more formal, keep our distance, and strictly observe etiquette. Uchi Circle: Family, Close Friends, and Trusted Coworkers The uchi circle starts with the immediate family (parents, siblings) and expands to include extended family, close friends, and long-time, trusted coworkers. In this circle, communication tends to be more direct, informal, and emotional. We can more freely express our opinions, joke around, and even show […]

  • 2024.12.17

What Are The Strongest Otaku: Time and Money Spent

A man playing a game (Image by Lifestylememory on Freepik) The term “Otaku” is often associated with die-hard anime and manga fans outside of Japan. However, in Japan itself, the meaning of this word is much more complex and layered. More than just a label for animation and comic lovers, “Otaku” describes a rich, diverse, and—sometimes—controversial subculture. Let’s dive into the world of Otaku in Japan and break down its various aspects. A Brief History and Evolution of the Term “Otaku” The word “Otaku” was originally used as a general and neutral term to refer to a person’s “home” or “residence.” After that, the term “Otaku” was then used to refer to individuals who have a strong obsession with a particular hobby, often related to the world of fiction, such as anime, manga, games, and model kits. This usage then became popular and widespread, although it was not entirely positive at first. Initially, “Otaku” had a negative connotation, even considered a derogatory term describing antisocial, strange, and isolated individuals from society. This image is often depicted in the mass media as individuals who neglect personal hygiene, live in chaos, and only focus on their hobbies. However, over time, the negative connotation has begun to fade. Among fans themselves, “Otaku” has become a proud identity, a label that embraces their love and dedication to their chosen hobby. Today, although still […]

  • 2024.12.17

What is the Joshiryoku Danshi Phenomenon and Its Popularity

Men eating (Image by Freepik) Japan, a country with a unique and complex culture, always produces social phenomena that attract the world's attention. One phenomenon that is quite interesting to discuss is "Joshiryoku Danshi" (女子力男子), which literally translates as "men with abilities like women". This term refers to men who have traits, interests, and hobbies that are traditionally associated with women in Japan. This phenomenon is not new, but it has recently gained more attention, especially on social media and popular culture. Social changes in Japan, where gender roles are increasingly relaxed, have opened up space for men to express themselves more freely. No longer constrained by rigid traditional masculinity expectations, they find comfort and satisfaction in activities that were previously considered "feminine". Definition of Joshiryoku Danshi What exactly is Joshiryoku Danshi? Unlike the stereotypical stiff and unexpressive macho male, Joshiryoku Danshi exhibit characteristics that are more commonly associated with women, such as: good cooking skills, a keen sense of personal care (skin care, dressing well), attention to detail, empathetic communication skills, and a love of things considered “feminine,” such as fashion, beauty, and creative pursuits like crafts. They are not afraid to show their soft and caring side, and often have a refined aesthetic sense.

  • 2024.12.17

What is the Concept of Honne and Tatemae in Japanese Life

Japanese Men’s Appearance (Image by Freepik) Have you ever heard the terms “honne” and “tatemae”? If you are interested in Japanese culture, these two words must be familiar to you. The concepts of honne and tatemae are integral parts of Japanese social life, reflecting unique values and ethics. The concepts of honne (本音) and tatemae (建前) are two important pillars in understanding Japanese culture and social behavior. While the direct translation may sound simple – honne as “true feelings” and tatemae as “outward appearance” – these two concepts are much more complex and interrelated than simply comparing truth and pretense. Learning about honne and tatemae is key to understanding the nuances of social interaction in Japan and avoiding misunderstandings that can arise from cultural differences. What are Honne and Tatemae? Honne (本音): Honne refers to one’s true feelings or thoughts, the innermost voice of the heart. This is the private side of a person that is usually only revealed to those closest and most trusted. Honne, the core of one’s self, represents one’s most honest and authentic feelings, thoughts, and desires. It is the inner voice that may not always be expressed openly due to various social and cultural factors. Honne can encompass a wide range of emotions, from affection and happiness to anger, anxiety, […]

  • 2024.12.17

What are the popular social media that many Japanese people use?

Using social media (Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik) Japan, a country with a unique culture and advanced technology, has an interesting social media landscape that is different from Western countries. Although international platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are also used, a few domestic platforms dominate and reflect the habits and preferences of Japanese users. Based on the results of the 2020 Survey of the Time of Use of Information and Communication Media and Information Behavior by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan, LINE (90.3%) ranked first in the level of social media usage across all age groups, followed by YouTube (85.2%), Twitter and Instagram (42.3%), and Facebook (31.9%). Let's explore more about popular social media that are widely used by Japanese people. LINE is the Champion LINE ranks first in social media that is widely used by Japanese people with the number of LINE monthly active users in Japan being around 92 million (as of September 2022), which is the largest number of users by far. In Japan, most Japanese people use it as a means of communication. In addition, by operating an official LINE account, you can use it as a communication tool and send information to target users. It is not just an instant messaging app; LINE is a super-app that is integral to the daily lives of Japanese people. More than just sending text messages and voice/video calls, LINE offers […]

  • 2024.12.16

Find Out the Personality of Japanese Men and Japanese Women

Japanese Men (Image by Freepik) Japan, the land of the rising sun, is known for its unique culture and traditions. Understanding the personalities of Japanese men and women requires a deeper understanding than just stereotypes. While generalizations are always risky, we can identify some common tendencies found in their behavior and values, influenced by social, cultural, and historical factors. Remember, this is just a general overview, and each individual remains unique and different. Japanese Men: Between Tradition and Modernity Japanese men have, for centuries, been shaped by a culture that emphasizes hard work, discipline, and a strong sense of responsibility. This is reflected in the Japanese corporate culture that is known for its long working hours and extreme dedication. However, Japan’s modernization has brought about significant changes in the image of Japanese men. Diligence and Discipline: This is perhaps the most prominent characteristic. Japanese men are often known for their strong work ethic. They tend to dedicate most of their time and energy to their work, sometimes sacrificing their free time and personal life. This self-discipline is not only seen in work, but also in other aspects of life, such as maintaining cleanliness and order. Respect and Politeness: The strong Confucianism in Japan has created a high level of respect for hierarchy and seniority. They tend to be polite and […]

  • 2024.12.16

Why Japanese People Ignore Read Messages

Man holding a cell phone (Image by Freepik) Have you ever sent a message to a Japanese friend or acquaintance, seen the “read” sign, but not received a response? This occurrence, which can be frustrating for some, actually reflects a number of cultural factors and social contexts in Japan that need to be understood. It’s not that they’re intentionally ignoring you; there’s often a more complex reason behind it than just indifference. Let’s explore some possible explanations: A Culture of Carefulness and Conflict Avoidance Japanese culture places a high value on harmony and avoiding conflict. Responding inappropriately or hastily to a message is considered rude and can disrupt interpersonal harmony. If someone is having trouble responding promptly and appropriately, they may choose to delay their response rather than give a short, incomplete, or otherwise unfriendly reply. They prefer to take the time to formulate an appropriate and polite response rather than give a response that comes across as rushed or thoughtless. Seeing the “read” sign with no response doesn’t mean your message is being ignored; it could mean they’re considering how to respond in a way that’s appropriate and contextual. Social Hierarchy and Politeness Illustration of a man using a smartphone In Japanese society, social hierarchy plays an important role in communication. The relationship between the sender and the receiver […]

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