Bun Red 119 debuts in episode 21 of the series Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger titled Bakuage 21: Fiery Delivery aired on July 21, 2024 in Japan. The debut episode of Bun Red 119 tells the story of a series of unexplained fires that have burned down the city, and people seem to be in trouble. Genba, who has become a “detective,” deduces the cause. Eventually, the cause of the fires is discovered, and Taiya transforms into his new form, “Bun Red 119,” and takes a stand against it.
Synopsis of Bun Red Debut Episode 119
The debut episode of Bun Red 119 tells the story of one day, Bunbun finds a picture of a firefighter that Taiya drew when she was little. There, Bunbun tries to ask Taiya about her “dream,” but a small problem causes an awkward atmosphere between the two. Meanwhile, in the city where Jyo patrols, a fire of unknown cause occurs.
Jyo immediately decides to investigate the fire incident, but is confused because he has no clues. Then Genba, who calls himself the “Candy Detective” appears! Finally, the two of them visit several crime scenes, and the big mystery is solved by Genba, they find that the cause of the fire is a Kurumaju named Shokaki Grumer.
After getting contact from Genba and Jyo, Taiya and his friends managed to stop the damage caused by the fire. And Boonboomger finally found out where Shokaki Grumer was. However, Shokaki Grumer's fire attack was very scary, and Boonboomger was having a hard time. If this continued, they would be engulfed in flames. In such a desperate situation, Bunbun rushed in with a new item, Zoonzoom Shokablaster.
The debut episode of Bun Red 119 continues with Bun Red being strengthened into Bun Red 119 by Zoonzoom Shokablaster which Bunbun created to make Taiya's dream come true. With a powerful attack, he managed to defeat Shokaki Grumer. And even against the giant Shokaki Grumer, Boonboomger defeated it with Wing Boonbommger Robo Monster.
After the fight, Bunbun and Taiya decide to make up. Taiya smiles, and Bunbun is so happy that she hugs her with all her might. Genba smiles too as the two deepen their bond as friends. Bunbun was able to get her dream back thanks to Taiya, so he probably wants to do something for Taiya too.
Bun Red Debut Episode Plot 119
The debut episode of Bun Red 119 begins with Mira and Bun Bun cleaning and dusting the basement along with the rest of the house at Hando Manor. Ishiro explains to Mira when she complains about the many rooms that need to be cleaned that Taiya spends most of her time in the house in the basement garage so dust collects in various other rooms. Bun Bun accidentally drops a box while dusting, which contains Taiya's childhood drawings, one of which is her fantasy of herself as a firefighter.
In an alley, the Sanseater Trio sit fanning themselves and complaining about the hot, humid Japanese summer until Yaiyai overheats and his exhaust spews flames. Itasha throws hot French fries at Decotorade, who catches fire several times and falls over when his head hits a fire extinguisher. Curious about the object, Itasha thinks that since it is bright red, it will burn hot and inserts the Ignition Key into it, transforming it into Shokaki Grumer.
Meanwhile at ISA Headquarters, Agent Saibu calls Jyo in for some cold coffee and talks to him about a possible case the Boonboomgers could handle, mysterious fires have been breaking out all over the city but have been stopped before they become too dangerous and no trace of the fires have been found. He suspects that the Hashiriyans may be involved, but wants Jyo to use his investigative skills as a cop first to confirm this before assigning the Rangers to the case and reporting on his findings. Jyo accepts his orders and gets to work.
Back at the workshop, Taiya is working on the BoonBoom Cars until Bun Bun comes and asks her what her dream really is, not the one she was told about the Big Bang Grand Prix. Bun Bun wants Taiya to be open about it since they are friends and tell her what her dream really is, but she gets too excited and accidentally breaks the monitor on the maintenance control panel, which Bun Bun then blames on Taiya for not being honest with her and leaves angrily.
Jyo is on patrol but is confused as to how exactly he is going to prove that a Hashiriyan is the arsonist. Genba happens to be nearby and overhears Jyo’s frustration, offering to help him as “Detective Candy” and donning the appropriate costume. Jyo says it doesn’t matter since he still recognizes him but Genba is completely in character and denies that he is Genba. Detective Candy says that they should investigate the crime scene and “cover it up” to find clues, to which Jyo corrects him by saying that he meant “look into it.”
The two begin their investigation at an office, asking a woman who is a witness to tell the story of the events that led to the fire. The woman was checking the financial records of her company, which had a deficit during the quarter, when she suddenly saw the fire behind her and panicked. Detective Candy understands the situation, thanks the office worker for her cooperation and gives her a lollipop before leaving. Jyo is confused by what her colleague has found out and chases after her.
They then asked a pet owner about the fire incident that happened to him, and the pet owner said that his dog started chewing on a leather shoe, then he scolded the dog by saying that it would not get any food if it did not stop, and then the fire broke out.
A college student says that a fire broke out in her apartment after she said that living alone was an “ordeal” after doing her homework. As they walk along the riverbank, Jyo asks Genba how long he’s going to interview people, but is corrected that she’s Detective Candy and that she might have enough pieces to solve the case. They confirm that the Hashiriyan might be behind the arson attack when they see Sanseater dressed as a firefighter crossing a bridge and decide to follow them to see what they’re up to.
Bun Red 119's debut episode continues on the rooftop, Bun Bun sulking about her mistake from earlier and worrying that Taiya is now mad at her. Sakito and Byundi walk up to the rooftop and upon seeing Bun Bun, realize that she had a "fight with Red" and laugh at how messed up that sounds. After Bun Bun explains why she's feeling down, she admits that despite being friends with Taiya, she knows very little about her.
Sakito thinks it's ridiculous, but Bun Bun says that she's really friends with Taiya and wants to get to know her better and make Taiya's dreams come true. Sakito is a little jealous of what Taiya has while Byundi doesn't see the problem, if Bun Bun is really Taiya's friend then she has the means to make those dreams come true. Realizing what Byundi means, Bun Bun gets excited and runs back to the garage while Sakito is still a little jealous of how simple things are for the others.
Meanwhile, the Trio rang the doorbell of a kind old woman, who told them that they were from the Fire Department and as part of Fire Prevention Week, they were going around giving out free fire extinguishers to help the community in providing the means to prevent fires. The old woman graciously accepted the gift and the Trio politely said goodbye and thanked them for their cooperation and to stay safe. As soon as the door closed, the Trio ran, looking both ways before crossing the street and then running away once it was safe to cross.
Jyo thinks that they should go after them, but Detective Candy says that preventing another fire should come first, wanting to check the old woman's apartment. The old woman thinks about making dinner when the fire extinguisher vibrates and the light flashes indicating the timer is on.
The boys storm into the apartment and Jyo quickly grabs the extinguisher and gets down on the ground, pointing the nozzle away from anything flammable as it activates, releasing a stream of fire until it stops, comically burning himself and getting a frizzy afro from the heat. Detective Candy has now proven his theory, the extinguisher activates and creates fire on anyone who talks about anything related to fire or heat, which triggers it to go off. The old lady says that he mentioned he wanted to fry marlin for dinner.
Jyo confiscates a fire extinguisher from the apartment complex and Detective Candy says that they need to scour the city and collect the rest of the rogue fire extinguishers before something really bad happens, calling Mira to help, who informs the residents that the fire extinguishers have been recalled and are broken.
Bun Red 119's debut episode continues with the ones they haven't collected have left, with the terrified screams of the people who created Ghassolin that Taiya saw flying in the sky, telling her about the Hashiriyan and she rushes to where they are.
Bun Bun finds the garage deserted with everyone out, hearing the radio communication as Mira reports that she has finished gathering the fire extinguishers and Taiya says in that case the team should meet at where Ghassolin is gathering. Knowing everyone is working hard to stop the criminals, Bun Bun says she should step in as well, confident she can because of the bond she formed with Taiya and the others when she put together the weapon schematics based on the fire extinguishers on the computer. Bun Bun is determined to make Taiya's childhood dream come true.
Somewhere outside the city, Shokaki Grumer is absorbing Ghassolin with the Trio cheering him on and Decotorade saying that handing out fake fire extinguishers door to door was totally worth the effort considering how much Ghassolin they've collected. Taiya arrives and her teammates soon after, Detective Candy saying that she's cracked their burning method while Jyo and Mira show the criminals that they've collected all the fake fire extinguishers.
The team reforms and makes a quick call, while Shokaki summons some Nejirettas to try and stop the Rangers. The grunts are unable to do the job so Shokaki steps in and uses his flames to push the team back. Jyo uses his rear tire as a shield to block the stream of fire from hitting the others but his shield breaks and he gets slightly burned from the attack. Shokaki then creates a ring of fire that traps the heroes and the heat is beyond the capabilities of the BoonBoom Suits, while Ishiro says that the armor can't hold out much longer. Decotorade and Itasha both watch from a distance, excited in anticipation that today they might actually win and cheer for Shokaki.
Taiya worries that if the team doesn’t do something soon, they’ll be burned. Luckily, Sakito and Byundi arrive with Bun Bun, who is here to “tell Taiya her dream,” tossing her a red steel briefcase. Taiya opens it and finds a new weapon inside called the Zoonzoom Shoukablaster, which Bun Bun says she made for her to make her dream come true. Taiya thinks for a moment about what Bun Bun meant by that and remembers her crayon drawings from her childhood, then with determination she activates the Shoukablaster to transform into Bun Red 119, extinguishing the flames around her during her transformation. Jyo and Mira are amazed that Taiya can transform, while Bun Bun is happy to see her latest creation working perfectly.
Shokaki tries to burn Bun Red 119 with his flames, but is extinguished by Taiya's Hose Impact attack, but he is not deterred and tries to blast Taiya with a fireball. Red, who is in charge of extinguishing the fire, fires a fireball, extinguishing it, then uses the pressure stream of his Shoukablaster to fire a wave of fire-extinguishing foam to knock Shokaki down. Taiya then ignites his Shoukablaster, runs and dodges the fireball, then jumps on top of Shokaki to fire his finisher at close range: Zoonzoom Overdrive. The blast sends Taiya soaring upward like a rocket and then lands safely, away from Shokaki's blast.
Yaiyai fires Highway Beam, reviving and enlarging Shokaki, Taiya lowers the power of his 119 form and summons BoonBoom Cars, with the team choosing Marine and Safari while Sakito and Byundi head to the battle. The Rangers form Boonboomger Robo Monster and Byunbyum Mach Robo, with Bun Bun struggling to fight Shokaki and getting caught in the flames which Byundi easily avoids with her wings. Sakito decides to help, with Byundi throwing her wings to Bun Bun, who creates a new combination Wing Boonboomger Robo Monster to fly away. The team ends the terrifying firefight with a fast spinning Bakuage Finish.
Bun Red 119's debut episode continued with none of the surprises of losing yet again, the Trio treated it as a normal work day, thanking the Boonboomgers for their efforts and each other before going home and calling it a day.
The debut episode of Bun Red 119 continues with Bun Bun apologizing to Taiya about the monitor damage, but Taiya is not mad about it and thanks her for making her childhood dream come true today. Bun Bun is so happy to hear this that she hugs Taiya too tightly. Jyo and the others are looking at Taiya's childhood pictures and she realizes that not all of them were about being a firefighter, with one particular picture showing Taiya riding a lion. Mira says that Taiya had a lot of dreams as a child, which Ishiro says sounds like Taiya now.
The debut episode of Bun Red 119 ends with Detective Candy closing the episode by breaking the fourth wall by telling the viewer that he has concluded that with the help of friends, dreams can come true someday.
Bun Red 119 Debut Episode Cast
The cast of Bun Red 119's debut episode includes Taiya Hando played by Haruhi Iuchi, Ishiro Meita played by Yuki Hayama, Mira Shifuto played by Miu Suzuki, Jyo Akuse played by Ryu Saito, Genba Bureki played by Satoru Soma, Sakito Homura played by Yu Miyazawa, Shirabe Saibu played by Hashiyasume Atsuko, Bundorio Bunderas voiced by Rica Matsumoto, and Byun Diesel voiced by Natsuki Hanae.
Decotrade is voiced by Junichi Suwabe, Itasha is voiced by Nana Mizuki, Yaiyai Yarucar is voiced by Sumire Morohoshi, and Shokaki Grumer is voiced by Takaaki Torashima.
About Bun Red 119 Debut
Bun Red 119 is a red rescue hero, a power up form by Bun Red using Zoonzoom Shokablaster. Always showing the combat performance of 119% and fighting with various rescue skills. The number 119 itself is an emergency call number to request an ambulance or fire engine in an emergency in Japan.
The 119 suit is a fireproof suit with excellent fire resistance, water and oil resistance, and sends water from a cylinder on the back to the entire body of the suit, relieving heat stress on the wearer and helping to save lives and put out fires in difficult conditions. The hoses that spray high-pressure water on both shoulders can put out large fires instantly. His move is Zoonzoom Overdrive.
Regarding Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger
Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger is a Japanese tokusatsu drama and the 48th series in the Super Sentai Series. Toei Company. The series aired from March 3, 2024 replacing Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger and joining Kamen Rider Gotchard in the Super Hero Time lineup. Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger tells the story of Taiya Hando who is a deliveryman and transforms into Bun Red. Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger fights Hashiryan who comes to Earth.
The story of the story