Bun Violet's Latest Debut from Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger 2024

Bun Violet's Latest Debut from Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger 2024
The short URL of the present article is: https://tegaroom.com/setokusatsu/en/go/bv5l

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger has entered episode 16 titled Bakuage 16: The Purple Controller which aired on June 16, 2024 became the debut for Bun Violet and Byun Diesel. It has become a tradition for the Super Sentai series to present the 6th sentai in the middle of the story. This time it is Sakito Homura or Bun Violet who has a partner named Byun Diesel or Byundy.

Background of Bun Violet and Byun Diesel's Debut

Bun Violet and Byun Diesel's debut episode follows the Boonboomger team in Highway Space practicing for the Big Bang Grand Prix, with Mira using her Boonboom Shovel ability to cheat her way ahead of the others. Taiya manages to sneak up behind her in Boonboom Racing and then activates the Bakuage Burner to push into first place. The five have a great time competing but then they get a call from Agent Saibu informing them that the ISA has detected an unidentified object entering Earth's atmosphere and coming in fast. The object then enters Highway Space and appears behind the team, some kind of glowing machine, then shoots past the BoonBoom Cars at lightning speed with a blast of air behind it that sends them all flying and flipping over.

Back at the garage, Bun Bun tries to repair the damage to the Car while the others treat the minor injuries they received from the accident. Agent Saibu asks Taiya if they got any visuals of the unidentified object, but Taiya says that even with the maximum resolution and enhancements of their camera footage, they still can't figure out what it is. What's really strange is that the UFO and the strange vehicle according to the ISA scans are both emitting the same energy signature frequency as Boonboomger's equipment and vehicles, which Bun Bun says is called the Boonboom Signal and all the things he makes have that energy signature. He is confused as to why these objects have it since he doesn't remember making a vehicle like this.

Bun Violet and Byun Diesel’s debut episode continues with Ishiro putting the discussion about the mysterious vehicle on hold to ask Agent Saibu about the other UFO from earlier, the first one the ISA detected after Mad Rex was defeated. He thinks it’s unrelated to the one they just detected, but despite not knowing what it is, the satellites tracking it have confirmed that it has landed on Earth.

At the warehouse, Cannonborg is angry and pacing around complaining about something being late. The trio checks what's wrong and asks their commander if he's hungry despite having lunch earlier. Cannonborg threatens to turn them in for asking such a stupid question, but YaiYai retorts by saying why doesn't Cannonborg turn himself in so he's less hot-tempered. Decotrade and Ittasha panic and tell Yaiyai to shut up, but the three are punished by Cannonborg with a blast from his doll for talking back. He explains that he contacted Hashiryan HQ to request a certain item to be delivered to aid their conquest of Earth.

On a rooftop somewhere in the city, a mysterious Ranger and a Bun Bun-like alien are surveying the horizon. The alien asks the Ranger how he feels about returning to his home world after so long away while holding something in a chained burlap sack. The Ranger says he doesn't feel anything special but soon becomes excited about detecting the Boonboom Signal from the strange-looking game controller he's holding and wants to check it out.

An alien called “Byundi” says they can but asks about the delivery they were supposed to make, but Ranger says it can wait and he really doesn’t care because he always makes sure to “run into chaos” and jumps off the roof. In a park, a little boy is crying because his yellow balloon floated away and got stuck in a tree. His mother tells him not to cry and that she can buy him another one, but Officer Akuse, being the kind person he is, offers to climb the tree and get his balloon back.

Bun Violet and Byun Diesel’s debut episode continues with the mother thinking it’s too dangerous but Jou saying it’s no problem as he starts climbing, only for a streak of purple lightning to flash by and then a man appears from it falling down with a balloon in his hand. He gives it to the boy, with the mother thanking the stranger, who pats the boy’s head and smiles as Jou climbs back down. Jou tries to thank the stranger as well for helping but the stranger in the purple jacket says there’s no need because he’s the “top guy”.

Mira works part-time at a restaurant as a waitress, clearing dirty cups from tables and while carrying them, she trips on spilled coffee. The stranger uses super speed to catch Mira and then the falling tray and plate with his great reflexes. The restaurant customers praise the man's efforts and Mira thanks him, with the man saying that Mira should be more careful when flirting by calling him "darling".

Bun Violet and Byun Diesel’s debut episode continues with Genba about to deliver something to a client, but the man stops him and says that he has taken Genba’s “checkered flag.” The item the client wanted has already been delivered by the mysterious man, meaning Genba will not be paid for the item the client already has and the client apologizes for it.

Ishiro is walking around the city and suddenly feels like he is being followed, causing him to hide in an alley with his Changer and activate his boost in civilian mode to get rid of whoever is following him. This proves ineffective as the mysterious man finds Ishiro, saying that he has “chased him”.

In the parking garage, Taiya has finished another delivery, heads to her car and suddenly stops, saying that the person behind her is late because he made a delivery before her. She demands to know who the mysterious man is and why he is bothering her colleagues and what he wants as she comes out of hiding. The man cracks his neck and uses the thrust to try and kick Taiya in the face, but Taiya dodges it, only to suddenly have the man aim an arrow right at the back of her head ready to be fired.

The mysterious man said that this was all his way of greeting the entire team but he saw that they were all disappointing and none of them exceeded his expectations. Taiya thought the man was arrogant for believing that he had already won, quickly grabbed him and tried to disarm him, then the two faced each other with their weapons pointed at each other. Seeing Taiya's amused expression despite her threat, the man stood up and walked away, introducing himself as Sakito Homura and telling Taiya to remember that name. Sakito then used his device to get away from Taiya, who Bun Bun recognized from the security footage as Controller Boonboom.

Back at the Warehouse, the Trio are playing cards when Sakito and Byundi enter to deliver the sack. The Trio panic upon seeing the Boonboomger, with the two wondering if there is a problem with it, Yaiyai noticing that the one with them is a different color than the others as Decotrade and Ittasha cautiously approach Sakito. Ittasha even notices that the words “Boonboomger” are on this Ranger’s costume, with Sakito asking in a flirtatious manner if the “kitten” knows of any other Boonboomgers on Earth. Ittasha angrily brushes off his advances and says that there are five more like Sakito, to which Decotrade adds that they are nuisances preventing them from claiming Earth as their territory.

Sakito and Byundi are curious, but their interaction is interrupted by an annoyed Cannonborg, who is tired of waiting for his package from the self-proclaimed “greatest deliveryman in the universe.” Sakito says he is not like that, he is the greatest “Settler” in the universe, whether it is a cheap dirty deed, a grudge, or revealing secrets, whatever his job is, he will make sure it is covered both publicly and secretly.

He is hired by Hashiryan Headquarters for a delivery task and Byundi hands the task over to Ittasha, while Yaiyai notices that Decotrade has a playing card stuck in his grill. Cannonborg asks how everyone at the base is doing, and Sakito says that they are doing well and that they trust their captain to do a good job in conquering Earth.

Bun Violet and Byun Diesel's debut episode continues with Cannonborg happily unwrapping his package, a legendary sword forged on the planet Reflector. Cannonborg was about to tell the legend of the sword to Obato and Byundi, but saw that the two had already left. The three are surprised at how fast they went, but Cannonborg clears his throat and asks Ittasha if he can use the Ignition Key, which he does and creates the Sword Grumer.

Back at the garage, Bun Bun analyzes the recording and realizes that the signal they detected in Highway Space was the Boonboom Controller. Taiya asks Bun Bun if she created the device, and Bun Bun replies that she did. Back when Bun Bun was a racer in the BBG, in order to increase her speed, she developed the Controller. However, she couldn't handle its power and gave up, throwing the device in the trash. Genba then asks the obvious, if that's the case, how did humans come into possession of it?

Bun Violet and Byun Diesel's debut episode continues with Ishiro looking into Sakito Homura with Agent Saibu, and discovering that a 10-year-old boy with that name was on the missing persons list years ago. However, Saibu says that there is no evidence to confirm that the boy is the man they met. However, there is no time to investigate further as Taiya gets a warning that the Hashiryan are attacking the city.

Bun Violet and Byun Diesel's debut episode continues with Sword Grumer chasing civilians and destroying buildings with a platoon of Nejiretta, one of whom grabs a defenseless person and starts beating them with her weapon as the humans all scream in fear creating Ghassolin.

Bun Violet and Byun Diesel's debut episode continues with Sword absorbing her and then cornering the fleeing crowd to make them scream louder as he becomes stronger than Ghassolin. Taiya and her comrades arrive to fight Nejiretta with Jou and Mira leading the civilians to safety. Nejiretta tries to attack the heroes but they transform into Boonboomgers and perform roll call while moving in battle, which ends with all of the Nejirettas being destroyed.

The team then tries to fight Sword, but he proves to be more difficult than they realized as their attacks make him stronger by absorbing damage and using it to increase his attack power. Taiya tries to use a strategy of attacking quickly with rapid fire from their weapons so that Sword doesn't have time to absorb damage but this proves ineffective as it also makes Sword stronger.

As Sword grows stronger, he gains new combat abilities and easily begins to defeat the Boonboomgers, with Taiya being the last one left standing. He is knocked into the air by Sword's power and quickly summons tires to cushion his fall, with the Rangers regrouping. Cannonborg introduces himself to the Boonboomgers, with the Trio surprised he is there considering his usual habits of working behind the scenes.

Bun Violet and Byun Diesel's debut episode continues with Agent Saibu and Bun Bun later learning that Cannonborg is the UFO they detected when Mad Rex was defeated. The chief now cheers as Sword Grumer has a large amount of Ghassolin in his body, an ability that will make his power increase exponentially with each attack and thanks the Boonboomgers for helping him achieve this result. He comes out of hiding to witness the success of his experiment, with Sword continuing his attack on the Rangers.

Taiya tries to increase his power and face Sword alone, but Sakito arrives and uses his super speed to knock Taiya, Sword, and Boonboomger down. Cannonborg and the Trio wonder who the human is, which makes Sakito amused because they don't recognize him in this form, he transforms with the Boonboom Controller into the Ranger from before with a bombastic purple lightning rain.

Bun Violet and Byun Diesel's debut episode continues with the Team shocked by this development, Jou can't believe that the one who is hostile towards them is Boonboomger and Mira is equally shocked to see another "tire man". Sakito says that she is not like them, she is the greatest Settler in the universe, Bun Violet. Cannonborg is intrigued by this new Ranger and observes while the Trio kick themselves knowing that they were right that the Ranger is troublesome.

Sword attacks Sakito, who uses his superior speed and his bow weapon to evade Sword and repeatedly attack him in the same spot. This only makes Sword stronger at first, but then after Sakito uses Boonboom Controller Gatling Mode to repeatedly attack the arm blade and hits him with a tire-enhanced double kick, Sword's arm blade breaks.

Bun Violet and Byun Diesel's debut episode continues with Sakito then destroying Sword with his ultimate move: Byun Byun Arrow Drive . Sword transforms back into the legendary sword Reflector after exploding, which Cannonborg takes back and is pleased with the result. He says that with Ghassolin stored and sharpening the sword as Grumer, everything will be great for him when he is gone.

Bun Violet and Byun Diesel's debut episode ends with Sakito transforming and telling Taiya that in order to help her, she has to pay. Taiya asks what exactly he wants in return, and Sakito asks to meet the person responsible for building the Boonboom Controller. Byundi gets straight to the point and says that they are looking for Bundorio Bunderas, and Bun Bun is surprised to see Byun Diesel on the monitor. Agent Saibu asks Bun Bun if she knows the alien, and Bun Bun says that Byundi was her biggest rival in her racing days who was always ahead of her.

Regarding Bun Violet and Byun Diesel

In Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger, each member of the squad has their own duties such as Taiya Hando or Bun Red as the deliveryman, Ishiro Meita or Bun Blue as the reporter, Mira Shifuto or Bun Pink as the driver, Jyo Akuse or Bun Black as the police, and Genba Bureki or Bun Orange as the supplier. Bun Violet and Byun Biesel have duties as organizers.

As the organizers, Bun Violet and Byun Biesel run a troubleshooting business that handles all kinds of problems in the universe with quick solutions. It doesn't matter if the client is a good person or a bad person like the hashiriyan. Both of them seem willing to stir things up and turn them into chaos to then clean it up and end it all.

Sakito Homura is the best organizer in the universe who can overcome any problem. With his extraordinary physical ability and vitality, he overcomes all kinds of difficulties and continues the path he finds interesting without hesitation. One day, he meets Byundy, who came from outer space, and leaves Earth, the two have gone through many turmoils together.

Sakito Homura transforms into Bun Violet who holds the steering wheel in chaos. She fights as if she is racing around a circuit with a series of dizzying attacks. Her signature move is Byunbyum Arrow Drive using Boonboom Controller Bowgun Mode. Sakito Homura is played by Yu Miyazawa. The actor for Bun Violet's suit is Masato Tsutamune.

Byun Biesel is a machine-type alien who is Sakito's partner. His nickname is Byundy. He has a good understanding of Sakito, calmly assessing things and giving him advice. He wants to know all sorts of things and is very curious about Earth's culture. He and Boonboom used to work as racers competing in BBG. Byun Biesel is voiced by Natsuki Hanae and his suit actor is Masashi Takada.

Bun Violet and Byun Biesel's debut is quite interesting especially for the first henshin part. Sakito Homura uses a different henshin device than the Boonboomger squad members called the Boonboom Controller which looks like a game control stick. The Boonboom Controller has two modes, namely Controller Mode and Bowgun Mode.

Boonboom Controller (Controller Mode) is a steering controller used by Sakito Homura for Byunbyum Change into Bun Violet. By pressing four colored buttons and a cross button, he can use various powers. Boonboom Controller Bowgun Mode is used as a weapon when fighting. In bowgun mode, Sakito can shoot enemies in an instant with a Racer Beam at the speed of sound. There are several moves that correspond to the command.

Regarding Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger aired from March 3, 2024 replacing Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger and joined Kamen Rider Gotchard in the Super Hero Time entry in TV Asahi. Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger tells the story of Taiya Hando who is a deliveryman and transforms into Bun Red. Together with his colleagues, Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger fights against Hashiryan who comes to Earth.

The short URL of the present article is: https://tegaroom.com/setokusatsu/en/go/bv5l

CharacterThe most important thing is to have a good time
