Things That Make a Leader Trustworthy

Illustration of leadership
Illustration of leadership (

Every elected leader certainly gets trust, but in carrying out their duties not all leaders have a trustworthy nature because trustworthy nature is not necessarily possessed by everyone. Basically, every individual is a leader especially a leader for himself and every leader will be held accountable later. 

In the scope of the organization, a leader is a person who leads an organization, he is the person who is responsible for its members. As a member, of course, you want a leader who not only has authority, but is also trustworthy.

About a trustworthy leader

A trustworthy leader is a leader who, if a task is given to him, others will believe that the task will be carried out as well as possible. When others no longer trust a person's leadership, the leader's good name will be damaged, and his reputation in the community will decline. Therefore, being a trustworthy leader is not easy.

An organization led by a trustworthy leader will certainly run well because all work programs are implemented well. Likewise, an organization led by an untrustworthy leader will not run well because of the many obstacles and internal conflicts that cannot be resolved.

Becoming a trusted leader

Becoming a Trustworthy Leader
Becoming a trusted leader 

In my opinion, there are several things that make a leader trustworthy. One of them is honesty. Someone who has an honest nature, of course, his words and actions can be trusted by others. An honest leader will gain the trust of others because he will not betray those who have given him trust. In addition, a trustworthy leader will keep his promises, a leader who breaks promises will not gain the trust of others because he only makes promises that he may not be able to carry out. 

Humility is also something that makes a leader trustworthy because a trustworthy leader will not be arrogant or haughty, like rice that the more it is filled, the more it bows. In carrying out his duties, a trustworthy leader must have a strong determination. A leader who is not active and serious will have his leadership questioned because being a leader is a serious matter, not a joke.

Trust is the foundation of effective leadership. Without trust, even the most visionary leader will struggle to motivate their team, build collaboration, and achieve shared goals. Trust is not something that is given; it is built through consistent actions and behaviors from a leader. So what makes a leader trustworthy? Here are some key things to consider:

1. Unshakeable Integrity:

Integrity is key. It is not just about avoiding corrupt or illegal actions, but also about consistency between words and actions. A leader with high integrity always tells the truth, even when the truth is difficult to convey. They take responsibility for their actions, whether successful or unsuccessful. They do not look for scapegoats or blame others when mistakes occur. Instead, they admit their mistakes, learn from their experiences, and improve themselves. Integrity also includes strong moral values, adhering to ethical principles, and acting fairly towards everyone, regardless of their background. Honesty, fairness, and consistency in actions are real manifestations of high integrity. Leaders with integrity build a solid reputation and create a safe and trustworthy work environment.

2. Transparency and Openness:

Trust thrives in an environment of transparency. Trustworthy leaders are open and honest in their communications. They effectively share information, even unpleasant information, with their teams. They do not hide facts or manipulate information for personal gain. Transparency includes being open in decision-making. Trustworthy leaders involve their teams in the decision-making process, listen to input, and explain the rationale behind decisions, even if those decisions are not always what everyone wants. Openness also includes accessibility. Trustworthy leaders are easily accessible to their team members, are willing to listen to their concerns and questions, and provide timely responses. Open and honest communication builds trust and reduces speculation and gossip that can undermine trust.

3. Consistency and Reliability:

Consistency in behavior and actions is key to trust. A trustworthy leader can be counted on to deliver on their promises and commitments. They consistently enforce rules and policies, ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and equally. This consistency builds predictable expectations, so team members feel safe and comfortable in their work. Reliability also includes a leader’s ability to manage time and priorities effectively. They are on time for meetings, respond promptly to emails and messages, and meet agreed-upon deadlines. Consistency and reliability demonstrate a leader’s commitment to the team and shared goals, building trust and respect.

4. Empathy and Caring:

A trustworthy leader demonstrates empathy and care for their team members. They understand the perspectives and feelings of others, and actively listen. They treat each individual with respect and value their contributions. They care about the well-being of their team, both professionally and personally. Empathetic leaders build strong, trusting relationships with their team members. They provide support and guidance when needed, and celebrate shared successes. Empathy and care create a positive, supportive work environment where team members feel valued and respected.

5. Skills and Competencies:

Trust is also built on competence. A trustworthy leader has the skills and knowledge needed to lead their team effectively. They are able to make informed decisions, solve problems, and achieve set goals. Competence is not just about technical expertise, but also about leadership skills, such as communication, conflict management, and decision-making. Competent leaders inspire trust because they demonstrate the ability to lead their team to success. They also continually learn and develop themselves to improve their skills, demonstrating their commitment to continually improving performance and giving their best to their team.

6. Ability to Admit Mistakes and Take Responsibility:

No leader is perfect. All leaders make mistakes. However, trustworthy leaders admit their mistakes, take responsibility for the consequences, and take steps to correct the situation. They do not make excuses or blame others. The ability to admit mistakes demonstrates humility and integrity, and helps build trust. It shows that the leader is a human being who learns from experience, rather than a perfect, infallible figure. This attitude creates a more open and honest environment where mistakes can be learned and addressed collectively.

7. Creating a Psychologically Safe Work Environment:

Trustworthy leaders create a psychologically safe work environment, where team members feel comfortable expressing their ideas, opinions, and concerns without fear of punishment or judgment. They encourage innovation and creativity, and value the contributions of all team members. A psychologically safe environment allows team members to take risks, learn from mistakes, and grow professionally. Trust is built when individuals feel safe and valued, and this is a primary responsibility of a leader.

Benefits of being a trusted leader 

There are many benefits to be gained by becoming a trusted leader from an early age, one of which is the readiness of a leader to lead a larger organization, company, even a country. Not only large companies, even countries today need trusted leaders because they are expected to advance the organization they lead and improve the reputation of the organization they lead in the eyes of the world.

Becoming a trusted leader certainly has its own obstacles. Laziness is an internal factor that becomes an obstacle for someone to become a trusted leader. While external factors are usually caused by a handful of people who like to find fault with someone who is trying to become a trusted leader. A good leader in responding to this will certainly try to introspect in order to become a better leader in the future.

Start by leading yourself 

Trust is a valuable asset for a leader. It is built through consistent actions and behaviors that reflect integrity, transparency, consistency, empathy, competence, humility and the ability to create a safe work environment. Building trust takes time and effort, but the results are worth it. A trustworthy leader is able to motivate a team, build strong collaboration and achieve common goals effectively. Trust is the foundation of effective and sustainable leadership.

A trustworthy leader is our hope for advancing a nation and country. Therefore, start it all from yourself. Start trying to make yourself a trustworthy leader for yourself so that later you will be ready to be a trustworthy leader for others.

