
  • 2023.05.06

QR Code Community Service Program at SMAN 15 Bekasi

QR Code Illustration ( Partnership capacity needs to be increased through the involvement of every individual or group that will be the driver of change in sustainable development as a means of achieving all SDGs goals and targets. In an increasingly digital world, QR codes have emerged as a versatile and efficient tool for accessing information, enabling seamless interaction, and enhancing user experience. QR codes (Quick Response Codes) have become a very common technology used in everyday life. Ease of access and its ability to store significant amounts of information make it very potential to be used in various fields, including education. In the context of Japanese language learning, QR codes offer an innovative and efficient solution in creating evaluation instruments. Evaluation instruments play a very important role in Japanese language learning. With the QR code, it is hoped that collaboration can be carried out in various Japanese language learning evaluation instruments because this is an opportunity and challenge in facing the industrial revolution 4.0. This article will discuss in detail the use of QR codes in creating interactive, effective, and flexible Japanese language evaluation instruments. Advantages of QR Codes in Japanese Language Evaluation Compared to conventional evaluation methods such as paper-based written tests, QR codes offer several significant advantages: Easy Accessibility: Students only need to scan the QR code […]

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