Tegar Rifqiaulian

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  • 2024.05.01

The Impact of Technological Transformation in the Field of Education

Illustration of online education (Pixabay.com/kreatikar) In recent years, the field of education has undergone a significant transformation due to technological advances. Technological transformation in education is the process of using technology to change the way of viewing and delivering education. With technology, the implementation of education today has become more effective, efficient, and interactive. Technological transformation in education has brought about significant changes in various aspects of learning. In recent decades, advances in information and communication technology (ICT) have influenced the way we learn, teach, and interact in educational environments. Let's explore more deeply how this transformation occurred and its impact on the educational process. The importance of technological transformation in education Technological transformation in education is important to improve the learning experience. With technological transformation in education, teachers can provide a more engaging and interactive learning experience to students. This can be done by using multimedia content and interactive applications such as online quizzes in learning. Technological transformation in education is also needed for a personalized learning experience. Technological transformation in education allows teachers to collect and analyze student performance so that they can adjust student needs and provide better results. This is also applied in learning platforms that use algorithms to analyze student performance and provide customized learning. Technological transformation in education plays a role […]

  • 2023.05.06

QR Code Community Service Program at SMAN 15 Bekasi

QR Code Illustration (Pixabay.com/Mohamed_hassan) Partnership capacity needs to be increased through the involvement of every individual or group that will be the driver of change in sustainable development as a means of achieving all SDGs goals and targets. In an increasingly digital world, QR codes have emerged as a versatile and efficient tool for accessing information, enabling seamless interaction, and enhancing user experience. QR codes (Quick Response Codes) have become a very common technology used in everyday life. Ease of access and its ability to store significant amounts of information make it very potential to be used in various fields, including education. In the context of Japanese language learning, QR codes offer an innovative and efficient solution in creating evaluation instruments. Evaluation instruments play a very important role in Japanese language learning. With the QR code, it is hoped that collaboration can be carried out in various Japanese language learning evaluation instruments because this is an opportunity and challenge in facing the industrial revolution 4.0. This article will discuss in detail the use of QR codes in creating interactive, effective, and flexible Japanese language evaluation instruments. Advantages of QR Codes in Japanese Language Evaluation Compared to conventional evaluation methods such as paper-based written tests, QR codes offer several significant advantages: Easy Accessibility: Students only need to scan the QR code […]

  • 2023.03.31

Things That Make a Leader Trustworthy

Illustration of leadership (Pixabay.com/Tumitsu) Every elected leader certainly gets trust, but in carrying out their duties not all leaders have trustworthy qualities because not everyone necessarily has trustworthy qualities. Basically, every individual is a leader, especially a leader for themselves and every leader will be held accountable in the future. In the scope of an organization, a leader is a person who leads an organization, he is the person who is responsible for its members. As a member, of course, they want a leader who not only has authority, but is also trustworthy. Regarding a trustworthy leader A trustworthy leader is a leader who, if a task is given to him, other people will believe that the task will be carried out as well as possible. When other people no longer trust someone's leadership, the leader's good name will be damaged, his reputation in the community will also decline. Therefore, becoming a trustworthy leader is not easy. An organization led by a trustworthy leader will certainly run well because all work programs are carried out well. Likewise, an organization led by an untrustworthy leader will not run well because of the many obstacles and internal conflicts that cannot be resolved. Becoming a trustworthy leader Becoming a trustworthy leader In my opinion, there are […]

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